Come Prepared To Your Permanent Cosmetics Appointment
For All Procedures​
Bring your government issued ID.
Do not drink alcohol 24 hours before your procedure.
Do not consume coffee or any caffeine 24 hours before your procedure.
Do not take an aspirin or ibuprofen before your appointment for pain relief (this thins the blood).
Do not tan 2 weeks prior or have sunburned face/skin.
Do not have any type of facial 2 weeks prior to treatment.
Do not use Retinol products 4 weeks prior.
Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E 1 week prior (natural blood thinners).
Ensure you have not taken Accutane or similar for AT LEAST 1 YEAR!
Do not pick/tweeze/wax/perform electrolysis one week before the procedure, the more natural hairs you have, the better.
Do not have NEW or different botox 12 weeks prior- this could alter the way your brows sit on your face and could result in unevenness.
Do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days before the procedure.
Prepare to not workout for 3 days after your procedure.
Any eye surgery, including laser vision correction, must be fully healed for 6 months.
Discontinue use of eyelash growth serums for 3 months prior to procedure and do not use until you are fully healed after your initial and touch up appointments are completed.
Have your lash extensions removed prior to your appointment and prepare to go without them until you're fully healed from your initial and touch up appointments.
Come with extremely clean eyes.
Do not wear contact lenses and prepare to wear glasses for 3 days after procedure.
Prepare for swelling of the eyelids for up to 3 days.
If you get lip filler or plan to get lip filler, make sure your filler is healed for 6 weeks before receiving lip blushing. If you have had filler, while the risk is low, understand that there is a possibility that the lip filler could migrate outside of the lip border from the lip blushing procedure.
It is recommended to visit your physician and get a prescription for Valrex or similar prior to your appointment. Even if you have never had a cold sore, the virus could still be in your body and present itself after the trauma of a lip tattoo. It is recommend to begin taking your medication 2 days prior to your lip blushing appointment, the day of your appointment and for 3 days after.
Exfoliate your lips gently, daily for 7 days leading to your appointment.
Moisturize your lips daily for 7 days leading up to your appointment.
Plan for your lips to be very swollen and vibrantly colored after your appointment and for the following 3-4 days.
Prepare for your lips to crack and peel around day 3.